About Us
Welcome to LSL BN Enterprise. Our company was established on 9th November 2010 as an online trading company. Initially, we supplied rawLSL Natural Cave Bird’s Nest (37 grams per box) mainly to the Malaysian market. Our bird’s nest comes primarily from the Niah Caves and Baram of Sarawak, East Malaysia.
To fulfill the increasing demands for natural and original products for healthy living, we set off to team up with a (HACCP, GMP, ISO and Halal certified) contract manufacturing company to produceLSL Bird’s Nest Drink in Rock Sugar. It is a Ready-To-Drink (RTD) product that is convenientfor the busy lifestyle facing us today
Our Policy
Since the inception of LSL BN Enterprise, we have consistentlyinsisted on putting our customers and product quality as our priorities.This is to cultivate the trust and support of our customers.Recently, we have progressed by taking a step forward to promote bird nest and other bird nest products to the international markets.
Our current range now includes whole bird nest, bird nest strips and flakes to satisfythe various preferences of different customers internationally. Our partnership with a renowned domestic manufacturer (that is HACCP, GMP, ISO 9001:2000 and Halal certified), has enabled us to include Ready-To-Drink (RTD) in rock sugar solution to our product range.
Our aim is to create and strengthen a worldwide distribution network to reach all the people around the globe and served by our team of skilled professional staff.Genuine and top quality products with goodness shall remain our philosophy.
The health Benefits Of Bird Nest
Bird's nest contains a lot of protein, glycoprotein, calcium, phosphorus, etc. which can boost the immunity of the human body, thus preventing cold, cough and flu. It is most effective for smokers and people who suffer from respiratory illnesses.
It is also helpful for people who have just recovered from illness as it helps them to regain their vitality. Bird nest is effective in nourishing lungs, kidney, and spleen, stomach, healing of external lesions and stopping bleeding.
According to the nutritional data produced by China Medical Science Institute of Health and Prof. Guan Pei Sheng, Prof. Wang Run Xiang from department of Chemistry in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 49.9% of bird nest comprises of protein and it has various minerals such as phosphorus, sulphur, calcium, potassium and etc., all of which can help in boosting health.
In short, bird's nest has high culinary and medicinal value.According to Zhao Xuemin from Qing Dynasty, bird nest can greatly nourish lungs, remove phlegm and stop coughing- thus it is a highly treasured medicine in regaining the health of body. According to experts, one of the properties is stimulating cell growth, regeneration of cells and reproduction of body tissues.
Bird nest has excellent tonic effect; it is ideal for patient suffering from chronic illness, lethargy and weakness.
欢迎光临顺伶燕窝企业。我们公司成立于2010 年 11 月 9日。主要业务是供应天然洞穴燕窝 (37 克/盒) 于马来西亚市场。我们的长期燕窝供应地是东马砂捞越的尼亚石洞 和巴兰地带。 在越来越多人寻找自然和原装产品以供健康生活的同时, 我们团队开发的顺伶冰糖燕窝很荣幸获得了HACCP,GMP,国际标准化组织(ISO)和清真食品鉴证的认可。顺伶冰糖燕窝是种即时保健饮品,我们相信它绝对能符合现代人们日益繁忙的生活需求以及带来更大的便利。
顺伶燕窝企业自成立以来,一致秉持品质第一,顾客至上的经营理念,已获各界的信赖及支持。 目前,我们正着手于将各式燕窝产品推向国际市场。 本公司的产品包罗万有。如燕盏,燕條,燕饼,即食燕窝等等上达数十种之多,以尽量满足不同国籍的大众需求。 我们更得到了国内知名制药商的协助开发了在GMP,HACCP & ISO 9001的品质认证下,能让大众得以安心食用的即食燕窝。这也大大扩展了我们的燕窝产品范围。 我们的目标是建立和加强全球分销网络,并扩展至不同的国家、地区以至世界的所有人群。 最终,我们将建立一个高技能和专业的团队,亲自为我们尊贵的客户服务。 我们的理念是真诚的提供最优质的产品以创造大众的健康生活。